Every horse is different just as every person is different. We all have the ability to learn and grow. Horsemanship is about learning and growing with your horse and the key to growth is humility and perseverance. If we give up on our horse why should we expect it not to give up on us?
The SCIENCE (Pressure) of leadership is using the stick and string, lunge whip, bits, reins, tools that assist us in encouraging our horse. For example, in the round pen, if a horse does not give you two eyes, you can encourage a better response with the halter and lunge line to get better facing. The ART (Release) of leadership is how to communicate with body language, tone, how much pressure, when to release the pressure, ultimately rewarding the horse for the slightest try or accomplished task.
Although I don’t have the perfect answer, I continue to learn the experience of FEEL is the combination of Art & Science/Pressure & Release when discussing horsemanship. Through our experience we will develop a better FEEL to know when encouraging with Art or Science, Pressure or Release, returns a balanced result defining the FEEL.